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    Monday, October 20, 2014

    New Comic Day Link-Blog or Who Knew They Had Straitjackets In My Size!

    Recovery still going slow so before I get into the links, I want to thank everyone again who gives me a minute or 2 of their time to check out my little directory of comic news and idiotic musings each week. It may be necessary venting for me but I hope they entertain and enlighten you slightly. Now onto the links....

    -NYCC was a haven of new frontiers and ideas to push our minds to place they never....

    Come on Marvel!!! Didn't we have enough of this the first time? Remember how Captain America didn't know the 'net or when he gave up AFTER the city was rubble w/o a classic confrontation? How about the senseless death of Bill Foster by "Clor"? Can we just let this one lie a little longer? I mean, at least they aren't recycling more.....

    What. The. %@@#?!?!?! Ok this must be totally different from House of M, and that whole three ring circus that followed. At least they aren't....

    *sigh* Stop the world...I want to get off. Time to admit you have a problem Marvel. You are event addicted. Face it. FACE IT!

    -Kelly Thompson gives her top ten news stories to come out of NYCC:

    Out of her choices I love Wonder Woman '77 (anyone who reads Batman '66 knows why), the Gamora ongoing being given a green light (pun intended), the Silk and SpiderGwen series (somewhere in fictionland MayDay Parker must be smiling!) and come on! GAIL SIMONE DOING SECRET SIX AGAIN!!! *drools*

    -I didn't get a chance to actually go inside NYCC on Saturday but Augie De Blieck Jr did and his Pipeline this week is all about that:

    Hmmm an all cosplay NY Convention? Does he know what he just suggested?!?!?! Holy extravagant mind crash!

    -Someone finally follows my line of thinking:

    I may not like most of the stuff that John Green does but on this we agree. Aspects of Batman are quite troubling when you use common sense.... but at the same time, any hero can be similarly dissected as to the actual good they end up doing.

    -Get well Soon Harlan Ellison!

    I find hilarious that even after a stroke, Mr. Ellison still has the sharpest mind in the room. Just how smart/talented is this man???

    -I kind of figured that the moviemakers were going in this direction but...

    ...I REALLY don't like the Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus thing....

    -Another day closer to fruition...

    I'm going to be way behind on this one since I tend to avoid video game systems these days but the fact it exists....WooHoo!!!!

    -I haven't featured any articles by 4th Letter's David Brothers in a minute so today, I got two for you. First up, for my anime/manga heads, Brothers goes through an EXTENSIVE review/interest list of projects he's following:

    I really don't have time to catch up on all of these but I know that there's at least two or three properties in here that will stoke interest. Secondly, Mr. Brothers looks into cosplay from a unique perspective...

    My rule has been that as long as it shows the character proper respect, then I have no problem going with it. I go back to the multi-cultural Fantastic Four family and the female Cable and Deadpool team I met. My inner geek is going "that's wrong! All wrong!" However, this is where the balance of life lessons comes in and their love of the medium is like mine. Accept it in all its glory!!!

    -I been stumping for this off and on for weeks now but it happens this Saturday! 24 hours. Adam WarRock is shooting to beat his mark of 16 songs created and released. He donating funds to RAINN. Geeky fun will be had!!!

    Kudos also to the folks over at ladygeekgirl for the retrospective on Mr. WarRock as a preview for the chaos that will be forth coming...

    Did I say chaos? I meant fun..

    -Let's leave this link-blog with something to make you think. Mr. Joseph Illidge? Please take the stage...

    If you haven't seen The Equalizer yet and you say that you're a Denzel fan, what is wrong with you??? Bonus Illidge article:

    And that was the best thing about NYCC for me, at least in interviewing and talking to fans: diversity is here to stay, up and down the fanbase. Little steps are being made within the industry itself and we are striving forward but talented people? Don't be content! Keep on pushing through those barriers, external and internal.

    Coming up later this week: movie and TV news and we finally discover what happens when Daryll's mind crashes from information overload...(yes I did have an wasn't pretty) So thanks for reading and until next time fantasy and sci-fi fans, Keep Fantasizing!
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