AfroNerd Link-Blog For The Wet Masses...(Rassa Frassa Rain!)
and BlaqueRonin joining our madness:
As always I invite you to to listen, laugh, and comment!
We begin this Link Blog with Don Hall and Chris Williams, the two headed direction team
for Big Hero 6
As you could hear from last week's show and read in previous blogs, I can't wait to check
this one out. Matter of fact, I don't know anyone else more pumped to see this come out...
OKOK so maybe their original creators MIGHT be a little more excited... Friday can't come
fast enough for me...
-So in the middle of Election Day, did you spare some time to check out Marvel: 75 Years. From Pulp to Pop? If you didn't you missed this...
Agent Carter might be the visual version of "Agents of Atlas" to Agents of SHIELD. A past story,
running concurrently with the main story, laying down story tracks and paths that will
enhance viewing for long time followers. Just like AoAt did for Avengers readers in the
mid 2000's
-So did you hear about DC's Convergence, expected to drop around April 2015? Well
Newsarama did and well...
See this helps me put more stock in Keith Giffen returning the "JLI Era" versions of
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle in Justice League 3000 AND the Booster Gold 3-D special.
I am totally in the crashing universes camp here...
-I will never complain about convention crowds again....
How did those people tolerant one another? I go crazy with fat people carrying large bags
on a semi-crowded bus. I would have flipped out here....
-My thanks to QStorm for posting up this article on Facebook and it requires reading...
We often wonder why a lot of black actors and actresses stayed far away from the sci-fi/fantasy/horror
projects. You have to wonder if this story in some form was relayed to them by their agents/
friends/people in the business to warn them about typecasting dangers. Ernie Hudson, by far, was the almost forgotten actor from Ghostbusters and this auto-article was truly heartbreaking....
-...and BOOM! Goes the dynamite under the Doyle Estate!
So Elementary and Watson and Holmes are safe....Whew!
-I brought up LeSean Thomas from an interview on The Mission about a month ago as
a tremendous talent that we should all keep an eye on....
His animated joint? Backed by Joe Madureira and Tim Yoon? Whoa... I think I may go
broke... Reminder that Thomas works on Black Dynamite which is on every Saturday
Night on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim...
-Speaking of The Mission, Joseph Illidge does a fantastic look back at Static Shock
Here's the thing and I don't even know how to phrase this but I going to try. I met
Maddie Blaustein in 2005 or 6 at a small comic convention around Columbus Circle.
She saw the bootleg animated VHS tapes I had picked up, chief among them was Static
Shock season 1. We talked about animation for about 10 minutes and I never knew. I
never knew about her life or just how connected she was to Milestone. I never knew that
I was actually talking to a trailblazer, way before her time and now I am even more sorry
that she's gone. All I knew was that I was speaking to a fellow big fan of comics and
animation. Thank You for this Mr. Illidge.
-BONUS The Mission did this one on Monday and this WILL spark conversation on an
upcoming show...
Don't get me wrong. I love Cyborg. He was the second black comicbook hero I knew
when I started reading (first being Storm of course). But I can't say that Mr. Illidge's words
don't have a little merit regarding a company whose record of diversity has been a little
-On the last show, I talked about Archie Comics and their chance taking. Well Comics
Alliance spoke with main Archie writer over NYCC...
Who would think 15 years ago that Archie Comics would be in the forefront of comic
companies taking chances with their properties? But they're here and doing it....
-Rest in Peace Jeremy Dale...
Eerie fact. I picked up an issue and while thumbing through it, I immediately said that it re
minded me of Mike Wieringo's Tellos. Another creator that left up way too soon. My cond
olences to his family and friends...who should include everyone that ever met him. He was
talented and awesome to the fans.
My quick thoughts on the haul this week:
DMC #1, taking a time travel trip back to the 80's for a slice of city life. And also in preparation
for Darryl McDaniels comic signing appearance in NYC Thursday and could probably see me smiling now...
Rachel Rising #29, with possibly the freakiest confrontation in the book so far and in a book
of shock deaths, demons, witches, and weird history, that's saying something....
All New X-Men #33, I knew Young Bobby was in awe of the "other" Icemen he ran into and
how they used his powers but I got to admit, I was amazed by his use of them. Looks like he
has been practicing. Bonus: Ganke? You are dealing with a telepath. Don't think! Think and
you're dead...lol
Harbinger Omegas #3, I been wondering how Harada and Sting were going to transition into
Valiant's next phase. Now I know....and EVERYONE is in the crosshairs.
Earth 2 World's End 4 & 5 along with Earth 2 #28, So now Earth has been "rainbow ringed"???
What the....? And talk about chilling...the Horsemen/Furies histories in Earth 2 are total nightmare fuel
Avengers/X-Men Axis #4: OK so I am thinking Skull put a little of himself in each of the
heroes but the Scarlet Witch/Doctor Strange spell put a little of Steve Rogers in each
villain to counter... I can't wait for this explanation....
Tiny Titans Return To The TreeHouse 6: Please, PLEASE don't be the last issue! Please?!?!?
Whew! OK that's a lot. Thanks for reading Folks! Until next time fantasy fans, Keep Fantasizing!
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