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    Thursday, January 15, 2015

    Check Out Daryll B. Latest Blog Link Droppings (Vixen Animated, Venture Bros, New JL Animated Movie & More) .......Now!

    *SIGH* DC Wins Again....My Wallet Didn't Stand A Chance.....

    Howdy AfroNerd and Facebook readers. It is I, Daryll B. coming back with more news, reviews, and overall punk behavior across the realms of comics and science fiction but first...a mea culpa.

    Wait? Did I read that right? Me? A Mea Culpa? O come on. I have nothing to apologi...*gets handed statements about Convergence* yeah I sorry DC Fans. I went on air Last December ripping this event to shreds and then I picked up Comic Shop News 2 weeks ago and read this:

    List of "Convergence" titles by Title, Writer, Artist and "attraction":

    Week One   

    The Atom #1-2 by Tom Peyer & Steve Yeowell - Ray Palmer finds out Ryan Choi is alive and they face Deathstroke
    Batgirl #1-2 by Alisa Kwitney with Rick Leonardi and Mark Pennington - Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain and Tim Drake return
    Batman & Robin #1-2 by Ron Marz & Denys Cowan and Klaus Janson - Ron Marz AND Denys Cowan...come on....
    Harley Quinn #1-2 Steve Pugh, Phil Winslade and John Dell - Harley, Ivy, and Catwoman fight Captain Carrot
    Nightwing/Oracle #1-2  by Gail Simone, Jan Duursema and Dan Parsons - Dick and Babs, wedding?
    The Question #1-2 by Greg Rucka and Cully Hamner - Renee Montoya and Two-Face vs Harvey Dent written by Rucka....
    Speed Force #1-2 by Tony Bedard, Tom Grummett and Sean Parsons - Wally, Linda, and the kids face Flashpoint Wonder Woman.
    Superman #1-2 by Dan Jurgens, Lee Weeks and Dan Jurgens - SUPER. BABY.
    Titans #1-2 by Fabian Nicieza with Ron Wagner and Jose Marzan - My Starfire AND Donna Troy...that's enough to forget one armed Arsenal is in this...

    That's 9 out of the 11 titles in the 1st week of April that I'll NEED to pick up. I'm screwed. I'm sorry. DC you win.... Pray for my wallet in April and May.....

    -If you haven't been watching Agent Carter, I understand because there are a lot of people catching up on DVR'd shows while most things have been on winter hiatus. So freaking start DVRing this people so you can watch it on summer hiatus at least!

    -I found my spirit character on The Librarians. Ezekiel Jones. I can't believe the show's season is ending Sunday but by gosh, Jones is the living embodiment of one of the rogues/scamps that I'd create during Dungeons and Dragons role playing matches. Much credit to John Kim for stealing (giggle) the show out from the others in my eyes....

    By the way, if you think my Convergence statement was hyperbole, here's how DC will have me in a vice grip week two:

    Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1-2 by Larry Hama, Philip Tan and Jason Paz - Hama on Batman with Azrael teaming with Bruce? Whoa
    Green Lantern/Parallax #1-2 - Tony Bedard, Ron Wagner and Bill Reinhold - Kyle vs Parallax Round 3....
    Justice League International #1-2 by Ron Marz & Mike Manley - JLI vs Kingdom Come
    Suicide Squad #1-2 by Frank Tieri & Tom Mandrake - On Amanda Waller & Suicide Squad??? Double Wow
    Superboy #1-2 by Fabian Nicieza with Karl Moline and Jose Marzan Jr - Kon-El meets Kingdom Come Superman
    Superman: Man of Steel #1-2 by Louise Simonson with June Brigman and Roy Richardson - Steel vs Gen 13

    That's another 6 out of 11......Rassa Frassa...I. AM. SCREWED!

    -Watching the Golden Globes highlights I have to just say this: NEVER listen to these two-faced critics Comic fans. For all the critical acclaim given to Captain America The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy, where were the nominations? Wow. I can't believe I have gotten to the point where the Spike Movie Awards mean more to me than the Big Two...

    -OK Justice League: Throne of Atlantis. 8 out of 10 in my book.

    Aquaman was well written to me...until the end....;
    Clark and Diana;
    Black Manta;
    So help me, I am liking the big bro-little bro relationship between Cyborg and Shazam

    I wish they played Ocean Master more like the book this was based on because he was more in the "gray";
    Not enough Flash and Green Lantern banter....;
    I hate speeches that make no sense in the given situation...

    Again, parents this is violent so watch out, just like Assault on Arkham, when buying this for your kids. Definitely for teens and up...but DC Animation keeps the hits coming... and yes there's an after credits scene...


    -Class in session. Professor Josie Campbell presiding.....

    Again I will stand by what I said on The ComicShoppe Last Saturday. I am loving the fact that this show is kicking chauvinism squarely in the nads.
    Thank you Madame Campbell for this though because I definitely learned more here about women in comics.

    -Remember this article on May 1st....

    I really think some of these guesses are on the money.....

    -If you have read any of these link-blogs over the last 4 months, you know how much that I have hyped Joseph Illidge's The Mission at CBR. However....

    Empire? Really? Sigh......You know what? I'll take diversification where I can take it... However the Brandon Easton news is great to hear! Congratulations Sir!

    -About DAMN TIME!!!

    ....and while I am on trailers...

    I can't wait for Venture Bros Folks and I got to see how Penny Dreadful tops their inaugural season showing.

    -*Ahem* WooHoo!!!!!!!

    Hey! I can celebrate this...and now I shall cabbage patch.....

    OK that's part 1 of the blogging adventure this week folks. I have a boatload of reviews in store for you guys on Saturday Morning. Keep your eyes peeled and once again, thanks for reading. Fantasy Fans, Until Next Time, Keep Fantasizing!
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    Item Reviewed: Check Out Daryll B. Latest Blog Link Droppings (Vixen Animated, Venture Bros, New JL Animated Movie & More) .......Now! Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: afronerd
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