Greetings to our ever supportive listeners! Check your clocks for another undoubtedly fiery episode of Afronerd Radio's Grindhouse airing this Monday at 8pm eastern. Our AFROnerdist broadcasters will be discussing the following issues: a new trailer for a Miles Morales Playstation 5 video game just hit the cyberwebs and not only does it have VG fans excited but does this also foreshadow a live action movie debut in the future?
Noted graphic novelist/screenwriter, John Ridley seems to have renewed the debate over legendary filmmaker, Quentin Tarantino's liberal use of the n-word in his art; Ridley was also somewhat responsible for the removal of film classic, Gone With The Wind from the new HBO Max streaming platform; highlighted Japan's First Black Owned Anime studio but does that mean fans might be able to see more Black centric projects going forward in the genre?; yet another unarmed Black male gets killed at the hands of the police-this time in an ATL Wendy's drive thru; comedian Dave Chappelle drops an impromptu 27 minute rant/stand-up routine for Netflix and Youtube discussing his thoughts on Black Lives Matter, police killings and subsequent protests;
influential comic writer, Denny O'Neil (most notably co-created the black Green Lantern, John Stewart and other iconic characters and story arcs) passes at 81; the popular Killing Eve UK series starring Sandra Oh (Grey's Anatomy) is catching criticism for what appears to be the show's all white writing staff in spite of its aforementioned star being of Asian descent; thoughts about President Trump's alleged race speech tentatively taking place on Juneteenth and in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And lastly, Spike Lee's Da 5 Bloods premiered on Netflix this weekend. Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100.
PS: If there's time (after all, it is a three hour show) now we started from the bottom, now we're here? ABC's The Bachelor is now black.....but...there's always receipts.
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