Hundalasiliah! our loyal Afronerd Radio "steam engine" listenership. Welcome to the latest installment of The Grindhouse airing this Sunday at 6pm eastern. Joining us this evening is Afronerd Radio's longtime favorite and erstwhile "west coast" (now southeastern) correspondent, Claire Lanay!! So choose your favorite libation while you listen to your favorite blerd broadcast wax about the following topics: word has it that the forthcoming HBO Max streaming service will be adding a TV spinoff based in the same universe as director, Matt Reeves' The Batman; and is the current zeitgeist allowing for another cop show in the aftermath of George Floyd protests and BLM prominence?; noted Olympic gymnast, Simone Biles causes a bit of a stir with her recent Vogue cover; highlights the contributions of theoretical physicist, Dr. Clifford Johnson not only for his tutelage relating to real world scientific theory as applied to the MCU but also pertaining to his thoughts on how the Fantastic Four can be rebooted via The Black Panther; just what is Amazon's Tales from the Loop series and why is it so mind-bending?; legendary actor, Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Mandalorian) makes an appearance in the trailer for the upcoming VG, Far Cry 6:
Why is Dburt just discovering Hero: Academia and its in season 4, already? maybe we'll pontificate on why we shouldn't discuss the Will and Jada live action soap opera costarring alleged R & B singer, August Alsina; with Keanu Reeves career rebound, is his version of Constantine what DC fans really want? (did Sting age out?); more on problematic Hollywood iconography, statues and monuments being put through the social justice strainer in the age of wokeness; and lastly, ponders about LGBTQ representation in Disney's The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Call LIVE at 508-645-0100.
Oh and what about those virtual comic cons? Expectations for SDCC in two weeks.
All men have limits. They learn what they are and learn not to exceed them. I ignore mine-Bruce Wayne.
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