In the words of arguably one of the world's greatest entertainers, James Brown....let's "get up, get into it and get involved!" Check out the latest episode of Afronerd Radio's Mid Week in Review airing this Wednesday at 8pm eastern. Your friendly neighborhood AFROnerdists will be unpacking about the following topics: Hat tip to stalwart Afronerd Radio supporter for tweeting about a recent LA Times piece highlighting the trials and tribulations of black animators in the aftermath of the George Floyd protests; just after we spoke about the Simone Biles Vogue cover fiasco, it appears that actress, Viola Davis Vanity Fair cover struck the correct chord; why did it have to be him? controversial filmmaker, Lee Daniels is purportedly rebooting the fondly remembered Wonder Years ABC TV show with a black cast; thoughts about the release of CBS All Access trailer for an upcoming Star Trek animated series entitled, Star Trek: Lower Decks which hit the cyberwebs a few days ago; in a tweet discussing legendary actor, Giancarlo Esposito's desire to be cast in a Marvel project, somehow Dburt was accused of "gatekeeping" (white) characters....what does that mean?; funny how unresolved story twists can still linger in viewers minds. Case in point-noted director, Cheo Hodari Coker recently gave further insight into the killing off of the Cottonmouth character (masterfully portrayed by Mahershala Ali) in season 1 of Netflix' Luke Cage:
And in even more animated news, just what is the Disney plus Star Wars animated project, Bad Batch?; we're going to tidy up the place by addressing some of the topics left on th etable from Sunday's Grindhouse show; Dburt revisits the very progressive (for its time) early aughts Alan Moore penned pulp comic, Tom Strong (and why not a streaming series in the vein of Buck Rogers); Dburt is absolutely elated about the return of S2 of TNT's Alienist: Angel of Darkness while simultaneously angry about the cancellation of the Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector series; And lastly, our thoughts about a Huffpost article exposing leadership flaws and mistreatment of employees at the black owned media imprint, OkayMedia. Call LIVE at 508-645-0100.
As a man of science and nature, when driving this vehicle, I am amazed at the fusion of the two. A machine that aspires to manifest a soul will be used to stop a machine that rejects its soul. Appropriate.-T'Challa.
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