What better place to get back to the genre grind than a show called The Grindhouse? Listen to the latest installment of Afronerd Radio's Grindhouse airing this Sunday at 6pm eastern, courtesy of BTalk 100. Join your always eager AFROnerdist hosts as they pontificate on the following issues: friend of the show/fellow comrade of the late Capt. Kirk and filmmaker, Hilton Ruiz (Zombie with a Shotgun, 6666) stops by not only to discuss his successful Zombie franchise but also to clue us in on upcoming projects; it appears that legendary musician, Phil Collins still has cred with younger fans as their appreciation for his classic jam, In the Air Tonight goes viral via YouTube:
And in disturbing news (but this is 2020), a discerning parent discovers that a weird second button on a popular Hasbro Trolls doll might signal a gateway to promoting child abuse-thankfully the toy is being removed amid parental complaints; actress/musician, Zoe Kravitz in response to the cancellation of her Hulu series, High Fidelity (her mom, Lisa Bonet starred in the film version) made some interesting remarks about the lack of diversity on the selfsame streaming platform; and in even more "diversity" news, Democratic presidential presumptive nominee (and gaffe master), Joe Biden had some musings about Black vs Brown diversity in culture and politics:
We give our impressions of the first episode of CBS All-Access' new animated series, Star Trek: The Lower Decks; California Congressman, James P. Bradley raised the ire of some Cardi B/Meg Thee Stallion fans on Twitter for his rather blistering (and accurate) critique of their latest collaborative video, WAP; more news about Disney plus continuing the 90's animated X-Men series with new episodes and starting thematically from the final episode; a new GamesRadar.com piece highlights an upcoming Boom comic, Seven Secrets which is purportedly the best selling creator owned debut in its entire 15 year publication history; the latest iteration of Doctor Strange gets cancelled (right after I started reading the character after years of non interest.....sigh) and lastly, just a proliferation of Star Trek news (the future of the film franchise, another animated series this time for Nickelodeon and actor, Simon Pegg's thought about Star Trek TV). Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100.
"It must be why human families everywhere gather together for meals--so they cam laugh and love and learn as each other's lives unfold and intersect....It is elemental to them. It is the foundation of their future. It is....fantastic."-Uatu (The Watcher)
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