We're back at again! Listen to a new freshly baked edition of Afronerd Radio's Mid Week in Review (MWIR) broadcast airing this Wednesday at 8pm eastern. Join your favorite (or is it only) AFROnerdist hosts as they pontificate on the following issues: one of crew's favorite animated series, The Venture Brothers gets cancelled after 17 years (and 7 seasons) and fellow fans are ready to go to war (#SaveVentureBros! is already afoot); just for the sake of nonsense, a digital/verbal battle of epic proportions took place on (black) Twitter this past weekend between popular WAP rap artist, Cardi B. and conservative political pundit, Candace Owen and our culture was the loser; Disney's Mulan, which was released a few days ago continues to spark controversy not only with actress, Liu Yifei (who portrays the titular character) but also the film's location (near active concentration camps?); according to the Associated Press, famed composer, Andrew Lloyd Webber (The Phantom of the Opera) posits that the arts may be "at the point of no return" if UK lawmakers don't set a date to reopen theaters soon; archaeologists in Egypt have discovered 13 coffins believed to be over 2500 years old with more purported findings to come;
popular Afro-Latinx/blerd actress, Rosario Dawson lends her voice to Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez' La Borinquena superhero character for a "get out and vote" motion comic campaign (but Dburt asks-"why not go full throttle and get a cartoon project up and running?"); Did anyone catch the great Willem DaFoe's screen test as the Joker? Talk about someone who looks the part...just sayin':
Football great/activist, Colin Kaepernick returns to gameplay (sorta...ahem, his likeness) via Madden Sports and even virtually, he's still controversial; And lastly, our thoughts about the rave reviews for Emmy/Oscar winning actress, Regina King's directorial debut, One Night in Miami which details the real life gathering of black icons, Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Jim Brown and Sam Cooke. Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100.
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