Hundalasiliah, folks! Boy, do we have an eventful Afronerd Radio show for you-airing this Wednesday at 8pm EST. Listen to our latest installment of the Mid Week in Review (MWIR) via our new platform, BTalk 100. And don't forget, our show will forever highlight blerd culture but also the urban alternative! The topics de rigueur are: country music sensation, Rissi Palmer stops by not only to discuss her place in music history but also her exciting new podcast, Color Me Country on Apple Music Country; Google Doodle highlights the accomplishments of the first African-American woman cartoonist, Jackie Ormes (Torchy Brown); addressing of the subjects we failed to get to during this past Sunday's Grindhouse show; ok....we really do have to discuss the third episode of HBO's Lovercraft Country; last month we, of course, spoke about the shake up at DC Comics (especially the eSports connection) well the result of that aforementioned "reorganizing" is the hiring of Daniel Cherry as the new SVP General manager of DC Comics....we'll share our initial thoughts; more news about a possible and expanded Ant Man 3; Cobra Kai actually overtook the number weekend viewing spot from the extremely popular (and formerly on FOX) Netflix streaming series; remember when the Wachowski's had a comic book company (Burlyman Entertainment)? Well, according to Hollywood Reporter, one of their properties, Shaolin Cowboy will be in an omnibus format through Dark Horse Comics;
Ok..did the Afronerd Radio team miss a memo, or is the African Goddess and X-Man mutant, now being depicted (in Marvel Future Fight rpg) as a Charlize Theron clone? Why does this keep happening? And if time constraints permit, perhaps we will address Twitter foolishness (unrelated stories) involving two UK songstresses, icon Sade and global phenom, Adele. Again....maybe. Call in LIVE at 508-645-0100.
"My eyes cross water to the gift of a symbol. It is a statue which represents freedom won at the cost of death...and while my studies in philosophy render such a concept false, my experience with the nature of man dictates that fallacy is often truth"-Shang Chi (The Master of Kung Fu)
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